

Teacher Educators and teacher researchers collaborate: A self-study of teaching practices 2017–2020

The purpose of this research is to open up a forum for teachers as researchers of their practice in close collaboration with academic researchers. The aim is to give teachers opportunities to document and interpret their research findings, develop their professional voice and share their educational knowledge with others in the field. At the same time the teacher educators will study their practice as they create and develop collaboration with teacher researchers.

Participants: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg R. Jónsdóttir, Jónína V. Kristinsdóttir, Edda Óskarsdóttir, Gunnhildur Óskarsdóttir, Svala Jónsdóttir, Ása H. Ragnarsdóttir, Ruth Jörgensdóttir Rauterberg

Funded by: The University of Iceland Research Fund,

InterPearl -- 2018-2021

The aim of the research project is to fabricate a personalized learning-based teacher education framework (guidelines) that will be based on learning and collaboration paradigm and a shift from teaching scenario, the results of which are no longer in conformity with the learning approach of the 21 century,  towards learning design, which encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and achievements.

Participant universities:University of Iceland,Siauliai University, Vytautas Magnus University, Vilnius University and  University College Cork

Participant countries: Iceland, Litháen og Írland

Funded by: The Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Teaching Diverse Groups of Students – 2011-2020

Preparing teachers to teach a diverse group of learners in a changing world (2011-2018). The purpose of this project was to study how we as teacher educators develop, sustain, and continuously adjust a course that focuses on the changes in education, schools, and teachers’ work. Self-study methodology that builds on the notion of action-reflection-learning-action guided our inquiry (Bodone, Guðjónsdóttir, & Dalmau, 2004). Our intention was to examine what we are doing, how, and why, in order to further understand our practice and to foster our development in becoming critical and responsive at the same time.

Researchers: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir and Karen Rut Gísladóttir. Funded by:The University of Iceland Research Fund

Collaborative Supervision of Master Projects – 2012-2019

A Self-study by three university teachers in teacher education from 2012–. Three university teachers in teacher education organized collaborative supervisory meetings (CSM). As a part of our practice with CSM we used self-study to gain knowledge and understanding of our progress and inspire our development as supervisors.

Researchers:Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Svanborg Rannveig Jónsdóttir and Karen Rut Gísladóttir.

Funded by:The University of Iceland Research Fund, UoI Teaching Fund

 TdiverS – 2014–2016

Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Network, 541969-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-Comenius-CNW Teaching diverse learners in (School)Subjects / TdiverS. Conferences, country-study-visits, literature-reviews and video-recordings are collected and published as a material for teacher education (DVD, homepage) in English and the languages represented by the partner countries.

Researchers: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir og Edda Óskarsdóttir.

Research partners: University of Education, Ludwigsburg; University of Boras; Siauliai University; University of Luxembourg, ; University of Madrid,

Participants countries: Spain; Germany; Sweden; Luxembourg; Lithuania

Funded by: The University of Iceland Research Fundand Comenius Network

Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice-LSP – 2013–2016

Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Immigrant Students and School Communities in Four Nordic Countries (2013-2016). Our aim was to gain new knowledge on how to better deal with the cultural and linguistic diversity in our societies and educational institutions and hopefully via this Nordic cooperation to influence how policy makers and institutional leaders, teacher educators, teachers and students view the cultural and linguistic diversity within their national borders.

Icelandic participants: Hanna Ragnarsdóttir is the project leader. Other participants from Iceland are Börkur Hansen, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Robert Berman, Samuel Lefever and doctoral and master students.

Participants universities:School of Education, University of Iceland, Iceland; Hedmark University College, Hamar, & University College of Nord-Tröndelag (HiNT) and University of Trondheim, Norway; Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Gothenburg, Department of Education, Communication and Learning.

Participant countries:Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland

Funded by:NordForsk and Complementary Fund for the Infrastructure Fund

Matematics for all – 2002- 2014

This is an ongoing research that we have conducted for ten years on the creation and development of a course to prepare teachers to work with diverse group of students. This research is a self-study of our teaching as we create, develop and team-teach a graduate course: Mathematics for all. Self-study positions the teacher as an inquirer and a learner (Samaras & Freese, 2006) and the purpose of the self-study inquiry is to better understand own practice, the renewal of programs, and personal-professional development (Kosnik, Beck, Freese, & Samaras, 2005). The focus of this study is on our self as professionals and our part in the development of the course. We have published our findings through the years at conferences, in journals and books.

Research participants:Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Jónina Vala Kristinsdóttir and Edda Óskarsdóttir

Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners (DTDL) (2011-2014).

New knowledge of how to value and incorporate diversity in our societies and educational institutions is one of the greatest challenges worldwide. International research and cooperation have the potential to influence how policy makers, institutional leaders, teacher educators, teachers and students view the diversity within their national border. Our goal was to focus on strength rather than the weakness of our modern-day societies. The DTDL researchers network strived to enable constructive, lasting and sustainable cooperation while simultaneously opening access and encouraging participation of new participants. In addition, the DTDL researchers’ network organized meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences twice a year. The DTDL researcher’s network emphasizes open access to their workshops and seminars in the Nordic regions, thus encouraging research and research collaboration in the field. English and national languages contribute to a collaboratively edited volume including research findings from all participating countries at the end of the three year period.

Icelandic participants:Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, project leader, Börkur Hansen, Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, Karen Rut Gísladóttir, Robert Berman, Samuel Lefever and doctoral and master students.

Participant universities:University of Iceland, School of Education; Hedmark University College, Hamar; University College of Nord-Tröndelag (HiNT) and University of Trondheim; Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki; University of Strathclyde ; University of Toronto and University of Manitoba, .

Participant countries:Norway; Finland; Scotland; Canada

Funded by:NordForsk

 Teacher education for inclusion2009–2012

With The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and 25 countries in Europe. The purpose of this project was to present initial ideas on the proposed goal and focus of the project for Representative Board members to consider and agree upon. Four key themes were identified in RB/NC discussions for consideration in the project: - What kind of teachers do we need for an inclusive society in a 21st century school? - A focus on the whole training continuum; - Teacher competences for inclusive education; - A wider brief to training (involving other educational professionals). Using these ideas as a basis, the focus for the project was on examining: how all teachers - mainstream and specialist/special education teachers - are prepared to be 'inclusive'. The project provides information on policy and practice in supporting all teachers to be inclusive teachers.

Icelandic participants:  Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir and Jóhanna Karlsdóttir.

Participants:The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and Inclusion and participants from 25 European countries.

Funded by:The European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and Inclusion

A Sociocultural Perspective on the Outgrowth and Development of the Self-Study School (2008-2012)

The goal of this research project is to document the underpinnings of The Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) Special Interest Group (SIG) as a school of thought and propose actions and possible directions to maximize contribution of self-study research to teacher education. S-STEP includes members from all over the world; from a diversity of institutions who vary in mission and programs offered; with members who have been involved with the organization from its conception to recent newcomers. S-STEP reflects various racial, cultural, language, and gender perspectives; disciplinary bases, educational levels, practice, and theoretical perspectives. a.

Participants:Mary C Dalmau, Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria; Anastasia Samaras, George Mason University, USA; Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir, University of Iceland, Iceland Accordingly about 50 S-Steppers participate in various ways.

Participants universities:Victoria University, Melbourne; George Mason University, University of Iceland

Participants countries: Australia, USA, Iceland

Skóli án aðgreiningar  (2008-2015)

The aim was to research the policy and practice of inclusive education in Iceland.

Participants: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir dósent, Jóhanna Karlsdóttir and Edda Óskarsdóttir doktorsnema.

Funded by: The University of Iceland Research Fund

Faglegt starf grunnskólakennara 2007–2012

Rannsóknin sem hófst á haustmánuðum 2007 er unnin í samvinnu við Sólveigu Karvelsdóttur lektor við Kennaraháskóla Íslands.

Markmið verkefnisins voru að öðlast þekkingu og skilning á eðli kennarastarfsins og hlutverkum kennara út frá þeirra sjónarhorni og reynslu. Reynsla kennara, viðhorf og þekkingu þeirra á eigin starfi var skráð og með því var kennurum gefin rödd í fræðasamfélaginu. Í rannsókninni munum við leggja áherslu á að skoða eðli og umfang kennarastarfsins út frá sjónarhorni kennaranna sjálfra. Skoða hvernig þeir skilgreina og sjá starfið sitt. Við munum leggja áherslu á að skoða ytri og innri þætti sem hafa áhrif á starfið, sýn kennara á eigið starf og hvernig það tengist starfskenningu þeirra þ.e.a.s. framkvæmd, faglegri þekkingu og siðfræði.

Rannsakendur: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Sólveig Karvelsdóttir

Styrkt af: Rannsóknarsjóði Kennaraháskóla Íslands

Samvirkt nám þar sem allir fá að njóta sín. 2005–2008

Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar, sem var starfendarannsókn, var að safna gögnum um reynslu kennara af því að nota samvirkt nám í kennslu. Lögð var sérstök áhersla á að skoða hvernig þeir koma til móts við ólíkar þarfir nemenda. Markmiðið er að í lokin verði til efni er byggir á fræðilegum grunni samvirks náms og framkvæmd og reynslu kennara og kennaranema í starfi hér á Íslandi.

Rannsakendur: Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Hrafnhildur Sævarsdóttir

Styrkt af: Rannsóknarsjóði Kennaraháskóla Íslands

Kennslufræði skóla án aðgreiningar. Undirbúningur, nám og kennsla. 

Erlent samstarfsverkefni rannsakenda frá Íslandi og Ástralíu sem skoða hvernig þeir skipuleggja, kenna og vinna með kennaranemum og kennurum að skóla án aðgreiningar. Markmiðið er að þróa námskeið sem leggur áherslu á útfærslu kennslu og náms fjölbreytts nemendahóps. Rannsóknin byggir á aðferðum rannsókna á eigin starfi og hefur staðið yfir frá því haustið 2004. Niðurstöður hafa verið birtar í formi erinda og greinaskrifa.

Þróunarverkefni og starfendarannsóknir:

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Matthildur Guðmundsdóttir (1998-1999). Stærðfræði og barnabókmenntir.Þróunarverkefni unnið með aðferðum starfendarannsókna  þar sem sjö kennarar tóku þátt. Skýrslu skilað til Þróunarsjóðs grunnskóla. 30 blaðsíður  (Bók byggð á þessu verkefni mun koma út síðari hluta ársins 2002.)

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir (1993-1995). Heildtæk skólastefna, skóli þar sem öll börn eru boðin velkomin og náms-og félagslegum þörfum allra nemenda er mætt.Starfendarannsókn með 13 þátttakendum (action research). Skýrslum skilað til Þróunarsjóðs grunnskóla og Vonarsjóðs Kennarasambands Íslands (Bókin: Skóli fyrir alla. Listin að kenna í mikið getublönduðum bekk er m.a. byggð á þessarri vinnu, einnig ýmsir fyrirlestrar og námskeið.)

Hafdís Guðjónsdóttir og Jóhanna Valdimarsdóttir (1990-1991) Endurskipulag sérkennslunnar í Lækjarskóla – starfendarannsókn með 15 þátttakendum. Skýrslu var skilað til Vonarsjóðs Kennarasambands Íslands.