Eyvör – the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland (NCC-IS) (10/2023-9/2025 and follow-up for two further years)

Eyvör, the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland (NCC-IS) is is a common platform for cooperation in cybersecurity issues, composed of the following public entities: the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis), the Electronic Communications Office (ECOI/Fjarskiptastofa), the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IS), the University of Iceland (UoI), Reykjavík University (RU), and the Technology Transfer Office (TTO/Auðna tæknitorg) Iceland.

Eyvör NCC-IS operates in the context of Regulation (EU) 2021/887 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 that establishes the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre (ECCC) and the Network of National Coordination Centres (NCCs).

The core tasks of Eyvör NCC-IS are:

  • Monitor and support actions: Monitoring and contributing to progress on national cybersecurity strategy activities regarding education, research, and development.
  • Provide expertise and link to ECCC and NCC-Network: Ensuring contribution to and coordination with the ECCC and the Network of all European National Cybersecurity Coordination Centres and supporting their strategic tasks.
  • Manage and coordinate funding: Managing and coordinating funding from the Digital Europe Programme and Horizon Europe for cybersecurity-related projects. Encouraging and assisting civil society, industry, SMEs, and academia in participating in cybersecurity actions (e.g., by Evyör NCC-IS providing via Rannís funding to Icelandic companies to improve their cybersecurity, but also by informing on available EU funding related to cybersecurity).
  • Raise awareness and build a cybersecurity Community: Acting as a central point for the national and European cybersecurity community, disseminating relevant outcomes of the work of the NCC-IS and NCC-Network, the Community, and the ECCC at the national level.
  • Develop and disseminate educational programmes: Coordinating, implementing and sharing educational activities and fostering cybersecurity skill building and training (e.g. gap analysis, competence mapping).
  • Support research and innovation: Identifying relevant research partners, promoting and strengthening dialogue in cybersecurity research and innovation fields.

To prevent any misunderstandings: Eyvör NCC-IS will not take over the job of CERT-IS (or any other party) nor is Eyvör NCC-IS a Security Operation Center (SOC). Eyvör NCC-IS is rather an add-on to existing activities in order to raise awareness, co-ordinate actions, and improve education and research related to Cybersecurity on national and European level.

University of Iceland is in charge of developing and disseminating educational programmes, i.e. coordinating, implementing and sharing educational activities and fostering cybersecurity skill building and training. In addition we did a survey on cybersecurity challenges and skills gaps in Icelandic companies and organisations.

You are welcome to contact me if you are offering, e.g., training courses or are interesting in getting updates on available training.

Cybersecurity is now more in the focus of politics and has now an own government web page.

NCC-IS receives co-funding from the European Comission's Digital Europe Programme.

For events that might be related to Eyvör NCC-IS, see the cybersecurity blog posts.

Co-funded by the European Union