ICEDEF – Defend Iceland (11/2023-10/2026)

The Defend Iceland (ICEDEF) project involves the creation of a national vulnerability reporting web portal and associated services for paying bounties to ethical hackers for discovering these vulnerabilities. Our research shows that vulnerability reporting needs to be improved in Iceland.

Once vulnerabilities are reported there are challenges in effectively integrating (and verifying the effectiveness) of the fixes into the software development life cycle and University of Iceland will take care of this and educate stakeholders about secure development practices and software vulnerabilities, e.g. via security events such as hackathons and workshops.

ICEDEF receives three years of co-funding from the European Comission's Digital Europe Programme and is a collaboration of ICEDEF ehf., University of Iceland and Reykjavik University.

For events that might be related to ICEDEF, see the cybersecurity blog posts.

Co-funded by the European Union