Master’s degree program and research in cybersecurity (7/2023-6/2025)

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation is funding University of Iceland and Reykjavik University in order to start a joint study Masters's programme and research in Cybersecurity. The two universities will together 90 million ISK funding over 2 years (7/2023 to 6/2025) from the ministry's university collaboration fund (Samstarf háskóla). In addition, the European Union is co-funding our cybersecurity research and education via the Digital Europe Programme projects Eyvör NCC-IS and Defend Iceland. The funding and co-funding allows us to hire professors, further staff and hardware to do teaching and research.

We offer as a Cybersecurity specialisation of the Computer Science Master's programme at each university in autumn 2023. Students can then apply at their preferred university, but take as well courses at the other university.

See also the extra page on the cybersecurity programme and all my blog posts from the the cybersecurity category.

See also the projects ICEDEF and Eyvör NCC-IS for further cybersecurity activities.