I have attended to various fields related to psychology, but especially within the educational discourse. Most of my work is written in Icelandic, but increasingly I have also presented and written in English. I will note some of this English work under the headings below.
- Challenges to the educational arena (my most recent preoccupation)
- The role of research and evidence in the development of education
- Different parts of the system of education
- The development of an educational system
- Pre-school education and leisure centres
- Compulsory education (primary and upper secondary) - history and development
- Upper secondary education - general issues
- Upper secondary education - the problem of drop-outs
- Vocational education
- Adult education
- Life-long learning - professional development
- University education
- Educational ideas and their development
- The use of ICT in education (my early interest in education)
- Artificial intelligence (my early interest, related to my focus on cognitive psychology)
- Reading and word perception (the focus of my PhD research)
- Supervision of student work (various interesting projects; in English, espcecially PhD work).