Lifelong learning - professional development
Moving the focus of the educational discourse from “pre-work” education to life-long learning is a pressing challenge. Even though this has been rhetorically accepted, for nearly half a century it is still not fully acknowledged either by the system, industry nor by the pragmatic discourses. Teacher education is a particularly interesting case in point. While genuinely accepted by most parties, it still has, formally, a marginal status, both within the school system and the university system.
There are two recent MS I have written on the issue of LLL learning.
In the ESRA paper I am exploring the coexistence of the totally separate worlds of formalized LLL, i.e. that outside the school system, and which is normally what people understand by adult education, and the world within the system, primarily within tertiary education where adults are educated but are not seen as within adult education.
In the Nordic conference paper I explore the manifold rationale for making the life-long professional development the preferred modus operandi of professional education.