
As of December 16th 2020, I have officially completed my habilitation at the University of Munich, and have received my venia legendi for the field of "Nordische Philologie" (Scandinavian Studies).

More infos on my habilitation thesis can be found here (German/English).

And some extra information for those interested: "Habilitation is a qualification required in order to conduct self-contained university teaching, and to obtain a professorship in many European countries. … Habilitation is the highest qualification issued through the process of a university examination, and remains a core concept of scholarly careers in these countries. … Once the habilitation thesis (Habilitationsschrift) and all other requirements are completed, the candidate "has habilitated him- or herself" and receives the degree Dr. habil. … A distinct procedure, but a formality after completing the habilitation, is officially receiving the venia legendi, Latin for "permission for lecturing" a specific academic subject at universities for a lifetime." (Wikipedia)