Cybersecurity tabletop exercise Arctic Cranes

Helmut Neukirchen, 22. February 2024

On 29.11.2023, we had a Cybersecurity tabletop exercise entitled Arctic Cranes that was arranged by the Fulbright visiting scholar Larry Leibrock with an introduction by Sigurður Emil Pálsson from the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). In this exercise, a response to a cyber-attack on the harbour infrastructure, in particular the cranes to load and unload vessels, was trained. In the worst case, this would mean that Iceland would run out of food or medicines (a limited supply might be possible to provide via air freight, though -- at least as long as there is no cyber-attack on air traffic at the same time).
In addition to the above parties who facilitated this event, this was in the context of Eyvör/NCC-IS the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland (co-funded by the European Union) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation-funded joint cybersecurity Master's programme.