European Researchers' Night 2024 / Vísindavaka 2024

Helmut Neukirchen, 27. September 2024

On Saturday, 28. September 2024, 13:00-18:00, there is Vísindavaka 2024, the Icelandic family-friendly-during-daytime edition of European Researchers' Night 2024 at Laugardalshöll.

The Computer Science department of University of Iceland has a booth there, showcasing some of their research:

  • Cybersecurity: Eyvör NCC-IS, the National Coordination Centre Iceland for Cybersecurity. The Computer Science department of University of Iceland is part of Eyvör NCC-IS and we will show three pieces to raise awareness:
    • Has my user info (in the worst case: my password) been leaked? Look up who else owns your login data:
      Note: if your data shows up there to have been leaked, then this is not your fault, but the fault of the website that was storing your data in an insecure manner and you should change your password at that website (also check whether the password has been leaked or only, e.g., your email adress). However, it is your fault if you use the same password for multiple websites: should your password leak from one website, criminals will try that password on other websites and will have success if you use the same password there. Use different passwords for different services. Even better: use multifactor authentication, i.e. not just a password (that can be easily leaked), but in addition something that can be less easily stolen, such as your phone: an authenticator app running on it, an SMS sent to your phone number, or the Icelandic digital ID on your SIM card.
    • An online quiz on how good you are at identifying phishing emails, i.e. emails trying to trick you into providing information, e.g. passwords: (Note: solutions not provided online -- you need to visit us to get hints where you were wrong and where you were right!)
    • A LEGO model of Iceland representing critical infrastructure that is subject to attacks. Each time, a service on our Internet-connected computer is attacked via the Internet from anywhere in the world, a light goes off. So when all Iceland turns dark in our Lego model, then you know that all of our services are currently being attacked at the same time. We use just a dummy sample server, but in fact, it could be your computer or a power plant that is attacked. True Blinkenlights - next time, we should do it using the lights in the glass front of Harpa concert hall.

  • A 3D scanner that scans the shape of your ear: used in CoE RAISE in order to find with AI out how the shape of your ear influences how you hear from different directions.
  • Quantum computing: a new piece to show, therefore no photos yet -- you really need to come and see!

See you at Laugardalshöll!