Crossover Office Wine on Debian 12 Bookworm
While I had never problems using Crossover Office on Debian, a fresh install on a fresh Debian 12 Bookworm revealed that 32 bit dynamic libraries were missing -- I got a message like:
Can't exec "bin/wineloader": No such file or directory at cxoffice/bin/wine line 1310.
wine:error: unable to start 'cxoffice/bin/wineloader': No such file or directory
To fix that, run:
cxoffice/bin/cxfix --auto
That should add the missing 32 bit libraries.
To check in addition for any other missing libraries: In the running crossover GUI:
Help -> System Information
to see if you are still missing any library. And indeed, still I needed to install apt install libcapi20-3 libosmesa6
See also;msg=215738