Cybersecurity research centre (rannsóknarsetrur í netöryggisfræðum) will get funded with 67.3 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Reykjavik University, University of Iceland, and University of Akureyri and applied together for funding in order to establish a joint Cybersecurity research centre. The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation announced that the thre universities will together get for the project Rannsóknarsetur um netöryggisfræði get 67.3 million ISK funding over 2 years from the university collaboration fund (Samstarf háskóla). This is a continuation of a established collaboration that created the M.Sc. cybersecurity specialisations/emphasis that received previously 2 years of funding.
However, we envisaged a significantly higher grant and with that, the idea was to use the grant to introduce a new Ph.D. program, co-funding two Ph.D. student positions, to hold community engagement activities, to organise a "Defend the Flag" contest, and to create undergraduate and M.Sc research opportunities. Now, with the lower funding, we need to adjust our vision for the Cybersecurity research centre.
The grant will also be used as co-funding for cybersecurity Digital Europe Programme projects that are funded by the EU, however only at a 50% funding rate, so that the ministry funding is needed to provide part of the co-funding.
As we will have soon a new government in Iceland, we can expect that the ministries will get re-organised and we have to see what this means for this funding.