- Jones, B., Snook, A.G, & Schram, A.B. (2021). Engaging students in courses through motivation science. A presentation (45 min; 12-15 min each) at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP). February, 2021.
- Schram, A. B. & Juliusdottir, O. (2021). Students´ perception of moving to the online environment (Úr staðnámi í stafrænt umhverfi. Hver er upplifun nemenda)? Presentation at the Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland. June 2021.
- Ingadottir, B., Schram, A.B.; & Fridjonsdottir, H.S. (2021). Teamwork and Education - an experience from a new course in nursing (Samskipti og fræðsla – reynsla af nýju námskeiði í hjúkrunarfræði. Presentation at the Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference. June 2021.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2021). Sessional faculty: How can we support their needs and identity as teachers? Presentation at the Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference. June, 2021.
- Valsdottir, E. & Schram, A.B., Dieckmann, P. (2021). Enablers and barriers to teachers´ engagement in simulation (Hvað ýtir undir eða hindrar notkun hermingar hjá kennurum læknanema? Presentation at the Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference. June 2021.
- Jones, B., Schram, A, Snook, A., & Remírez, C.A.L. (2021). A faculty development approach to improving student engagement (9253). Aug. 28 at 02:00-3:00 (15 min.each presenter). The 6th
- International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. In association with AMEE, August 2021.
- Snook, A. & Schram A. (2021). Faculty development needs of clinical instructors: Recommendations based on survey and focus group results (8015). Aug.28 at 10.45 – 12.15. Oral presentation. Session 2.3. The 6th International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Professions. AMEE 2021.
- Napier, J., Schofield, S., Moffat, M., Peters, H., & Schram, A.B. (2021). A tale of three cities – transfer of learning from CPD workshop to workplace (EP5.3). (2021). An ePoster presentation, presenting faculty development data from 3 cities (Dundee, Reykjavík, Berlin). AMEE 2021 conference (an International Association for Medical Education) Link to the poster https://api.ltb.io/show/ABDIY
- Valsdottir, E. B., Haraldsson, H., Schram, A.B., & Dieckmann, P. (2021). Pre-clinical and clinical, medical students have different simulation learning needs. A poster presentation at the AMEE conference (an International Association for Medical Education). August, 2021.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2021). Exploring the needs, motivations, and identity of sessional faculty as a guide for faculty development (7635; DR2.1 Doctoral Reports 2). A presentation at the AMEE conference (an International Association for Medical Education). August, 2021.
- Schram, A.B. & Julisdottir, O. (2021). „It worked much better on ZOOM than I expected.“ Students´ perception of a course moved online. (Gekk betur á Zoom en ég átti von á“ – Upplifun nemenda af námskeiði í netheimum. Menntakvika 2021.
- Johannesdottir, S. & Schram, A.B. (2021). Students´ perceptions of connecting with teacher (caring) in an online course at the University of Iceland. (Upplifun nemenda af tengslum við kennara og umhyggju hans fyrir þeim í námskeiði sem kennt var í fjarnámi við Háskóla Íslands). Menntakvika 2021
- Juliusdottir, O. & Schram A.B. (2021). University study groups: „Just great, we connected really well, would like to stay in this group.“ (HÍ Námshópar: „Bara æði, við náðum vel saman, vil halda mig með þessum hóp.“ Menntakvika 2021.
- Schram, A.B. & Johannesdottir, S. (2021). The Conversation is the Relationship: Clear directions and a convenient access to directions strengthens the relationship between teachers and student in online studies. Positive influence for success and enjoyment. (Skipulögð framsetning og gott aðgengi að upplýsingum styrkir tengsl kennara og nemenda í fjarnámi. Jákæð áhrif á námsárangur og ánægja með námið). Þjóðarspegillinn, 2021. https://thjodarspegillinn.hi.is/event/the-conversation-is-the-relationship/
- Ingadottir, B., Schram, A.B. & Friðjonsdottir, H.S. (2020, October). Er fýsilegt að innleiða fjölbreytta kennsluhætti og námsmat í grunnnámi Háskóla? Reynsla af nýju námskeiði í hjúkrunarfræði (Is it practical to adopt a variety of teaching methods and assessment techniques in at the undergraduate level of the university? An experience from a new course in nursing). A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A. B. (2020, October). Perceived faculty development needs of tenured and sessional health science faculty. A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Schram, A.B., Jóhannesdóttir, S., & Sigurgeirsdóttir, S. (2020, October). Meiri ánægja og betri námsárangur… (Increased satisfaction and better performance…) A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Schram, A.B., Snook, A.G., & Jones, B.D. (2020, September). How motivated are my students? How might I increase my students´ motivation and engagement? A masterclass conducted at the Virtual AMEE Conference (the International Association for Medical Education).
- Jones, B.D. & Schram, A.B. (2020, May). STEM for All. 2020 Video Showcase (Funded by the National Science Foundation) https://stemforall2020.videohall.com
- Schram, A.B. & Ingadottir, B. (2019, October). The 21st century learning goals and transformative instructional practices. How do university students respond? A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Snook, A.G.; Schram, A.B. & Jones, B.D. (2019). Explaining factors that affect teachers’ use of motivational strategies; a qualitative study. A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika), Reykjavik, Iceland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2019, September). A Mixed Methods Analysis of the Needs of Sessional Teachers at a Health Sciences School. A paper presented at the International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Sciences, Ottawa, Canada.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A. B. (2019, September). The Effect of Connectedness and Appreciation on Medical Educator Identity in Sessional Faculty at a Health Sciences School. A paper presented at the International Conference on Faculty Development in the Health Sciences, Ottawa, Canada.
- Snook, A.B. & Schram, A.B. (2019, August). Factors predicting identity as educators and openness to improve: an exploratory study (with sessional teachers and tenured faculty). International Association for Medical Education Conference – A paper presented at the AMEE Conference, Vienna, Austria.
- Schram, A.B. & Ingadottir, B. (2019, June). Innovative teaching strategies and students´ perception of change at the university level – Preliminary results. A paper presented at the Pedaforum conference, Helsinki, Finland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2019, January). Comparing the motivation and needs of sessional teachers and tenured faculty. A paper presented at the 19th Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2019, January). Predicting teacher identity and attitudes towards improvement in sessional teachers and tenured faculty. A paper presented at the 19th Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2019, January). Teacher beliefs about motivational strategies. Poster presented at the 19th Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Miles, C., Snook, A. G., Foggett, K., Schram, A. B. (October, 2018). The Evolution of Professional Development for University Teachers: Around the World in 90 Minutes. A panel presentation and discussion. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Schram, A. B. (2018, October). Professional development initiatives for teachers at the University of Iceland. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) Conference, Bergen, Norway.
- Schram, A. B. & Snook, A.G. (2018, October). Teachers´ attitudes towards and actual use of five factors that motivate students in the classroom. A paper presented at Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika).
- Snook, A.G.; Schram, A.B.; Sveinsson, T. & Jones, B.D. (2018, October). Considering the values and needs of sessional and tenured faculty: what does modeling suggest for faculty development needs? A paper presented at the Educational Conference of the School of Education (Menntakvika).
- Schram, A.B. (2018, August). Student motivation at a school of health sciences. A poster presented at the International Association for Medical Education Conference – AMEE Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A. B. (2018, August). Identification with teaching, motivations to teach, and faculty development needs of part-time teachers’ vs tenured faculty at a health sciences school. A poster presented at the International Association for Medical Education Conference – AMEE Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A.B. (2018, August). Teachers’ attitudes towards and use of motivational concepts at the University of Iceland’s Health Sciences School. Poster presented at the International Conference on Motivation and Emotion (ICM), Aarhus, Denmark.
- Schram, A.B. (2018, August). Using the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory (MMAMI) to measure student motivation. Poster presented at the International Conference on Motivation and Emotion (ICM), Aarhus, Denmark.
- Schram, A.B. (2018, June). A motivation inventory – A tool for teachers´ action research. A paper presented at the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Snook, A.G. & Schram, A. B. (2018, June). Faculty development: Considering the values and needs of part-time and tenured faculty. A paper presented at the International Consortium for Educational Development (ICED) Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Schram, A.B. (2018, March). How can I influence my students´ engagement in learning? A paper presented at the Nordic Educational Research Association Conference (NERA), Oslo, Norway.
- Schram, A.B. (2018, mars). Tæki kennarans til ígrundunar eigin kennslu (The teacher´s tool to reflect on own teaching). A paper presented at the Educational Development conference of the University of Akureyri, Akureyri, Iceland.
- Geirsdottir, G.B. & Schram, A.B. (2017, November). Challenges in the 21st Century Curriculum Design – Update on the status of the University of Iceland. A paper (invited) presented at the conference: The Curriculum in Higher Education Challenged (PLA), Brussels, Belgium.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, December). The role of the facilitator in discussions and group work. A paper presentation and workshop for facilitators at the School of Health Sciences (HVS) at the University of Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, December). The MUSIC Model of Motivation and its Practical Application in the Classroom. A 3 hr paper presentation and workshop (interactive) for the University of Turku, University of Helsinki, Aalto University, University of Oulu and more, at the Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.
- Geirsdottir, G.B. & Schram, A.B. (2017, November). Challenges in the 21st Century Curriculum Design – Update on the status of the University of Iceland. A paper (invited) presented at the conference: The Curriculum in Higher Education Challenged (PLA), Brussels, Belgium.
- Jonsdóttir, A.H. & Schram, A. B. (2017, October). The Bologna Reform – A developing project in curriculum design at the University of Iceland (isl. BORE- þróunarverkefni í námskrárgerð við HÍ). A paper presented at the University of Iceland Conference on Educational Development.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, October). Research findings on student motivation and some related factors at the School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland. First results. A paper presented at the University of Iceland Conference on Educational Development (isl. Kennsluþróunarráðstefna HÍ).
- Schram, A. B. & Einarsdóttir, E.B. (2017, October). A study of the implementation of learning outcomes/criteria at the University of Iceland (Könnun á innleiðingu hæfniviðmiða við Háskóla Íslands). A paper presented at the School of Education Research Conference on Education (Menntakvika) at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, April). Research on motivation and the motivation context in the classroom (isl. Rannsóknir á áhugahvöt og tengsl hennar við skólaumhverfið). Paper (invited) presented at the seminar of master´s students at the School of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Sahbaz, S., Chittum, J. R., Schram, A. B., & Jones, B. D. (2017, April). Relationships among students’ science class perceptions, science identification, and career goals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, April). Student Achievement through Teachers´ Action Research (a self-reflective enquiry). A paper presented at the Aurora Workshop on Innovations in Teaching and Learning. Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, March). The MUSIC Model of Motivation and its Practical Application in the Classroom. A 3 hr paper presentation and workshop in English for the teachers of the University (HÍ) at the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, January). Motivation and its connections to the teaching methods and teaching environment. A 3 hr paper presentation and workshop in Icelandic for the teachers of the University (HÍ) at the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2017, Jan). The key to increasing student motivation and engagement? Introducing a practical assessment tool for motivation. Paper presented at the 18th Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2016, October). The relationship between student motivation and teaching methods in the classroom context. Paper presented at the School of Education Research Conference on Education, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, Iceland.
- Schram, A. B. (2016, September). How do I keep my students motivated and engaged in their studies? The teachers´ practical assessment of important components in the classroom context. A workshop for teachers at the Aarhus University Center for Teaching and Learning, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Schram, A. B. (2016, August). A content analysis of the use of mixed methods in education research – a promising analytic technique. Paper presented at the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) Conference, Durham University, Durham City, UK.
- Jones, B. D., Akalin, S., Schram, A., Chittum, J., Fink, J., Schnittka, C., & Evans, M. (2014, April). Elements of design-based science teaching that affect middle school students’ motivation. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.
- Chittum, J.R., Jones, B.D., Akalin, S., & Schram, A. (2016, April). The Impact of an After-School Design-Based Science Program on Middle-Grades Students´ Motivation and Engagement. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
- Schram, A. B. (2016, May). The Challenges of Cross-Cultural Research in Education. Paper presented at the Icelandic Education Research Association, IERA Annual Meeting in Reykjavík, Iceland
- Jones, B. D., Akalin, S., Schram, A., & Chittum, J. & Fink, J. (2013, November). Motivating students to engage in engineering and science activities. Research presented at the annual National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) Charlotte Area Conference on Science Education, Charlotte, NC
- Chittum, J., Schram, A., Minarovich-Cheniae, M., Al Zahrani, R., & Massey, J. (2014). Evaluating the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy: Plans and new directions.. Poster presented at the CHEP conference in Febr. 2014 in Blacksburg, VA
- Schram, A., Chittum, J., Minarovich-Cheniae, M., Al Zahrani, R., & Massey, J. (2014). Proposal for evaluating the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Poster presented at the Connections conference in March 2014, Blacksburg, VA
- Schram, A. B. (2013). The MUSIC model of academic motivation and problem based learning (PBL). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Virginia Educational Research Association in Charlottesville, VA
- Schram, A. B. (2013). Problem based learning (PBL) and motivation in science education: Save the seabirds. Paper presented at the June, 2013 Science Teacher Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland
- Akalin, S., Schram, A., Chittum, J., Fink, J., & Jones, B. D. (2013). Middle school students’ motivation-related perceptions of afterschool science and engineering activities. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Washington, D.C.
- Fink, J., Chittum, J., Schram, A., Akalin, S., & Jones, B. D. (2013). Measures and methodologies for studying students’ motivation in an informal learning environment. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Washington, D.C.
- Schram, A., Louis, R., Lee, W. & Pruitt, W. (2012). The advisor-student relationship in University Studies: A study of institutional engagement. Poster presented at the Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy in Blacksburg, VA.
- Schram, A. (2009). An examination of the relationship between organized music training and progress in reading and writing in 2nd and 3rd grade. A paper presented at the annual conference of the Icelandic Educational Research Association (IERA), Reykjavik, Iceland
- Schram, A. (2009). With rhythm and music in your bag. The importance of music education in primary schools. A paper presented at the annual teacher conference of the University of Iceland‘s Education department. Reykjavik, Iceland (invited)
- Schram, A. (2008). An examination of the relationship between organized music training and young children´s progress in reading and mathematics in 2nd and 3rd grade. A paper presented at the ISME conference (The International Society of Music Education), Bologna, Italy
- Schram, A. (2008). Studies on the relationship between music training and young children‘s progress in reading and mathematics in elementary school, and the applications. A presentation and a hands-on workshop. The Mosfellsbaer Teacher Conference (invited)
- Schram, A. (2008). An examination of the relationship between organized music training and young children´s progress in reading and mathematics in 2nd and 3rd grade. A paper presented at the University of Akureyri Teacher Conference (invited)