Teaching plans for 2012-2014Teaching plans for 2012-2014

Helmut Neukirchen, 7. January 2013

Update from August 2012: Now it is definitive: HBV201F Software Testing is moved from Spring 2013 to Fall 2012 (and therefore called HBV103F). After that it is intended to teach it again every second spring, i.e. next time would be Spring 2015. (Spring 2014 is scheduled for Software Quality Management.)

The planning for my teaching in the academic year 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 is as follows:

Fall 2012

HBV101F Software Maintenance

The course will consist of two parts: The first part is classical lecture-driven to provide some foundations of Software Maintenance. In the second part, we will have a maintenance project where we will do some maintenance of an existing software project: this is mainly homework, but we will have weekly meetings to do some status reporting.

HBV201F Software Testing

(Update: will be taught in Fall 2012!)

Lecture with weekly homework, one of the assignments needs to be presented in front of class.
Will be based on the ISTQB Certified Tester foundation level syllabus. It is the intention to offer an ISTQB Certified Tester exam so that participants can acquire a certification.

Spring 2013

TÖL401G Operating Systems

Lecture with weekly homework that needs to be handed in.

Fall 2013

I will take a research sabbatical, therefor I will not teach at all. Typically, I would teach Distributed Systems in that semester.

Spring 2014

I will be in 50% parential leave in Spring 2014. From the two courses Software Quality Management and Operating Systems that are scheduled to be taught then, I will teach only one (most likely Software Quality Management) and the other (most likely Operating Systems) will be taught by someone else.

Note that courses (non-obligatory only, of course) may get cancelled if not enough participants register in advance: @MSc students take care to register for a course as soon as possible via UGLA!