Giving external students access to UGLA documents

Helmut Neukirchen, 16. October 2015

Sometimes, students that are not registered for a course (but have an UGLA account), need access to course material in UGLA. This can be achieved as follows:

  1. Operations -> Users and groups
  2. New group
  3. Give the new group some name, e.g. External access. Confirm. (UGLA allows to select registered students to be added here, but leave the group empty!)
  4. On the group overview page click on the newly created group.
  5. Add user
  6. In the SSI/kennitala field: either enter kennitala or the person's full HÍ email address. Save.
  7. All operations -> Change group permission. Change permissions accordingly. NOTE: giving permissions for a folder does not recursively apply to the file contained in the folder -- you need to change each and every individual file as well!
  8. Using the URL that you get from "Front Page" link (or simply via the link provided in the course catalogue), the persons should be able to access the folder.

Alternatively, in the Files and Folder area, you can for individual files and folders change the access permissions using the Edit/pen symbol -> Access Permissions

If you have a person without UGLA account, the only possibility is to make the whole course page world-wide visible:

  1. All Operations -> Change front page title -> At Access to the Teaching Web, select Open for everybody (no authentication)

This and other things (e.g. electronic homework submissing incl. student view of this) is also explained (in Icelandic) at Kennslumiðstöð.