Research semester in autumn 2013, Parental leave in spring 2014, No course on Distributed Systems in autumn 2013

Helmut Neukirchen, 8. August 2013

I will take a research semester in the autumn semester 2013. As a result, the course TÖL102F Distributed Systems will not take place in autumn 2013 as scheduled, but is rather cancelled/postponed.
After the research semester in the autumn semester 2013, I intend to take a 50% parental leave in the spring semester 2014.
During these times, you may not find me in my office, but I will be reachable via e-mail.

Some statistics on development of number of students and professors and on student/teacher ratio

Helmut Neukirchen, 6. August 2013

As the German magazine "duz -- Unabhängige Deutsche Universitätszeitung" asked me about some statement on "demographic change and universities" in the Icelandic context, I investigated the number of students vs. the number of faculty members (=sum of different levels of professors) in Iceland (and Germany for comparison). Only a fracture of my data will get published in "duz", so here is the full data (based on data from Statice and Destatis -- data for 2012 not yet available):

       Iceland                                          Germany
Year  #Students Change  #Faculty Students/Faculty      #Students Change
2005    16 074             623    25.8                 1 985 765
2006    16 835   +4.73%    682    24.7                 1 979 043  -0,3%
2007    16 851   +0.09%    708    23.8                 1 941 405  -1,9%
2008    17 165   +1.86%    761    22.6                 2 025 307  +4,3%
2009    18 291   +6.55%    833    22.0                 2 121 178  +4,7%
2010    19 159   +4.74%    807    23.7                 2 217 294  +4,5%
2011    19 334   +0.91%    790    24.5                 2 380 974  +7,4%

The explanation for the 2009 and 2010 increase of Icelandic students is the economic crisis in Iceland 2008 that did lead to a high number of students starting to attend university.
As you can see, the student/professor ratio got worse after the crisis in Iceland (due to students flooding the Universities and reduction in the number of faculty members due to decreased funding). For Germany, I did not calculate that ratio for all years, but just for 2011, together with more detailed further data for both Iceland and Germany (note that the number of students in Germany 2011 in the table below is different than in the table above: the above time series is from a different Destatis source than the numbers below):

2011                       Iceland     Germany
Enrolled students          19 334    2 501 990
Population                318 452   81 843 743
Students/Population            6%           3%

Prófessorar  316  Professoren           42 924
Dósentar     213  Dozenten & Assistenten 3 899
Lektorar     261					
Sum faculty members 790                 46 823

Faculty members/Population  0.248%      0.057%
Students/Faculty member      24.47       53.44

OECD collects data on governmental or public spending for tertiary eduction divided by GDP -- however, I could not find this data on the OECD statistics web page.
P.S.: I just stumbled over a visualisation of academic brain drain that uses this GDP ratio (from World Bank) as well as one input parameter of their polymetric visualisation.
P.P.S.: A related visualisation is on the number of researchers per inhabitants. However, the data there is from before the 2008 economic crisis.
P.P.P.S.: Here is finally the OECD data from Education at a Glance 2015 (DOI:10.1787/eag-2015-en).

First PhD in Software Engineering defended at the University of Iceland

Helmut Neukirchen, 8. February 2013

While it is nothing new to have a PhD thesis in Computer Science defended (the first PhD thesis has been defended in our Computer Science programme some years ago), the first PhD thesis has just been defended our Software Engineering programme at the University of Iceland: User-Driven Development for Bespoke Software. Congratulations!

Trivia: one challenge for the administration was to find a Latin term for "Software Engineering" that was needed for the PhD certificate that contains a Latin description of the scientific field of the PhD.

Teaching plans for 2012-2014Teaching plans for 2012-2014

Helmut Neukirchen, 7. January 2013

Update from August 2012: Now it is definitive: HBV201F Software Testing is moved from Spring 2013 to Fall 2012 (and therefore called HBV103F). After that it is intended to teach it again every second spring, i.e. next time would be Spring 2015. (Spring 2014 is scheduled for Software Quality Management.)

The planning for my teaching in the academic year 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 is as follows:

Fall 2012

HBV101F Software Maintenance

The course will consist of two parts: The first part is classical lecture-driven to provide some foundations of Software Maintenance. In the second part, we will have a maintenance project where we will do some maintenance of an existing software project: this is mainly homework, but we will have weekly meetings to do some status reporting.

HBV201F Software Testing

(Update: will be taught in Fall 2012!)

Lecture with weekly homework, one of the assignments needs to be presented in front of class.
Will be based on the ISTQB Certified Tester foundation level syllabus. It is the intention to offer an ISTQB Certified Tester exam so that participants can acquire a certification.

Spring 2013

TÖL401G Operating Systems

Lecture with weekly homework that needs to be handed in.

Fall 2013

I will take a research sabbatical, therefor I will not teach at all. Typically, I would teach Distributed Systems in that semester.

Spring 2014

I will be in 50% parential leave in Spring 2014. From the two courses Software Quality Management and Operating Systems that are scheduled to be taught then, I will teach only one (most likely Software Quality Management) and the other (most likely Operating Systems) will be taught by someone else.

Note that courses (non-obligatory only, of course) may get cancelled if not enough participants register in advance: @MSc students take care to register for a course as soon as possible via UGLA!

E-mail is working again

Helmut Neukirchen, 11. January 2012

The e-mail server is working again and no e-mail seem to have been lost.

Truflun á tölvupóstkerfi Malfunction of e-mail server

Helmut Neukirchen, 10. January 2012

The e-mail server at the University of Iceland is experiencing problems. Thus, I can currently not read e-mail. In urgent cases, please phone me (see contact information).The e-mail server at the University of Iceland is experiencing problems. Thus, I can currently not read e-mail. In urgent cases, please phone me (see contact information).

Dreifð kerfi er kennt í haust 2011!Distributed systems is taught in autumn 2011!

Helmut Neukirchen, 23. May 2011

Please note that the course TÖL102F Dreifð kerfi/Distributed Systems is taught in autumn 2011. (By mistake, the kennsluskrá/course catalog listed it initially as not being taught -- this was incorrect and has been corrected now!) You are still able to register for this course. More details about this course can be found in the according course web page in kennsluskrá/course catalog.

Word cloudWord cloud

Helmut Neukirchen, 23. November 2010

Tag Cloud for Helmut NeukirchenTag Cloud for Helmut Neukirchen

Update from 2013: The above tag cloud was based on the word frequency of my CV from 2009. Since then, more topics have been added to my research area such as Cloud computing, Big data/MapReduce, or UML model-transformation.

In parental leave in 2010

Helmut Neukirchen, 1. January 2010

Helmut Neukirchen is in parental leave ("fæðingarorlof") from January to December 2010. While I will be reading e-mail during that time, you will find me rarely in my office. However, you can meet me by arranging an appointment via e-mail.