Category: Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity specialisation now available in our Software Engineering Master's programme / Kjörsvið Netöryggi í mastersnám í hugbúnaðarverkfræði

Helmut Neukirchen, 1. March 2024

Starting from autumn 2024, we are offering the Cybersecurity specialisation now also in our Software Engineering Master's programme (so far, it was only available in Computer Science).

For details, see the course catalogue entry for the Software Engineering Master's programme / mastersnám í hugbúnaðarverkfræði (note that the set of mandatory courses is not 100% correct and still subject to change). For applying, have a look at the Icelandic web page mastersnám í hugbúnaðarverkfræði (netöryggi) or the English web page Software Engineering MSc programme (Cybersecurity). Application deadline is 15. April for students from Iceland.

If you rather want to do the Cybersecurity specialisation in our Computer Science MSc programme (it has less focus on Software Engineering and more on Computer Networks):

For details, see the course catalogue entry for the Computer Science Master's programme / mastersnám í hugbúnaðarverkfræði. For applying, have a look at the Icelandic web page mastersnám í tölvunarfræði (netöryggi) or the English web page Computer Science MSc programme (Cybersecurity). Application deadline is 15. April for students from Iceland.

I have also web page on the Collaboration for the joint cybersecurity M.Sc. programme of Reykjavik University (RU) and University of Iceland (UoI).

This joint cybersecurity master's programme would not be possible without funding from the University Collaboration Fund of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation and co-funding from the ECCC/EU for the projects ICEDEF – Defend Iceland and Eyvör – the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland (NCC-IS).

Cybersecurity tabletop exercise Arctic Cranes

Helmut Neukirchen, 22. February 2024

On 29.11.2023, we had a Cybersecurity tabletop exercise entitled Arctic Cranes that was arranged by the Fulbright visiting scholar Larry Leibrock with an introduction by Sigurður Emil Pálsson from the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). In this exercise, a response to a cyber-attack on the harbour infrastructure, in particular the cranes to load and unload vessels, was trained. In the worst case, this would mean that Iceland would run out of food or medicines (a limited supply might be possible to provide via air freight, though -- at least as long as there is no cyber-attack on air traffic at the same time).
In addition to the above parties who facilitated this event, this was in the context of Eyvör/NCC-IS the National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland (co-funded by the European Union) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation-funded joint cybersecurity Master's programme.

Eyvör NCC-IS and ICEDEF cybersecurity talks join the Icelandic HPC Community Workshop

Helmut Neukirchen, 13. December 2023

The cybersecurity projects Eyvör NCC-IS and ICEDEF partnered with the Icelandic HPC Community Workshop event series.

At the 13th Icelandic HPC Community Workshop we have a couple of cybersecurity talks:

  • Geir Olav Dyrkolbotn (NTNU): Strengthening the Defence of Norway through knowledge
  • Skeggi Thormar (Upwind): eBPF and Cyber Security
  • Tom Welsh (University of Iceland): Adaptive Inspection of Industry 4.0 Supply Chains for Fraud Detection

December 13, 2023 5:00 PM, Gróska, Bjargargötu 1, 102 Reykjavik – Entrance A, 1st Floor, Room Fenjamýri

See the agenda for more details.

Postdoctoral Researcher in Secure Software Engineering and Vulnerability Reporting Programmes (2 years initially) at University of Iceland

Helmut Neukirchen, 2. December 2023

Update: The position is not vacant anymore.

Field of Work:

The department of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland seeks applicants for a post-doctoral researcher in the area of Secure Software Engineering and Vulnerability Reporting Programmes to work as part of the Digital Europe Programme project Defend Iceland ICEDEF.

The position is initially funded for 2 years with possibility of extension.

The ICEDEF project involves the creation of a national vulnerability reporting web portal and associated services for paying bounties to ethical hackers for discovering these vulnerabilities. Once vulnerabilities are reported there are challenges in effectively integrating (and verifying the effectiveness) of the fixes into the software development life cycle. Technical challenges include poor observability of the software supply chain and an inability to affect it due to change, intellectual property, proprietary development pipelines, 3rd party libraries and infrastructure, etc. Social challenges are related to the impact of identified vulnerabilities on business continuity and clearly translating the results and impact to industry partners and stakeholders.

The responsibilities of the role are envisioned to include:

Developing and implementing a research project in vulnerability reporting programs.
Education of secure development practices and software vulnerabilities to stakeholders.
Assisting in the organisation of security events such as hackathons and workshops.
Contributing to the maintenance of cybersecurity research infrastructure.
Supervising research assistants.

Qualification requirements:

PhD in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related to Cybersecurity more broadly.
Proficiency in English.
Strong communication skills and the ability to work both individually and in groups.


A strong publication history in high-quality software engineering and/or security journals and conferences. (e.g. IEEE and ACM).
Experience in developing, delivering, and innovating in cybersecurity and software engineering education.
Experience in server administration including virtualisation and cloud tools.

Interested parties should, in the first instance, send a CV and covering letter explaining their motivation for applying and their research interests in software engineering and/or cybersecurity via e-mail to Dr. Tom Welsh ( and Dr. Helmut Neukirchen (

For an informal discussion regarding research topics, responsibilities, or Iceland in general prior to this please feel free to contact Tom or Helmut as above.

Work Environment:

The University of Iceland is a flourishing community of knowledge in the heart of Reykjavik. A modern, diversified, and rapidly developing state university, it offers opportunities for study and research in over 400 programmes spanning most fields of science and scholarship.

The University of Iceland's School of Engineering and Natural Sciences employs about 390 people in teaching and research. The School offers an exciting working environment where about a quarter of all employees and graduate students are international. The School has about 2000 students, with about 800 students in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

The Department of Computer Science is located in the University Science Park's new "House of Ideas" together with a vibrant community of startup and tech companies of all sizes.

Iceland participates in many cooperative European programmes, such as Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme. The country consistently ranks at or close to the top of the Human Development Index, Global Gender Gap Index, LGBT Equality Index and Global Peace Index. For more information on living and working in Reykjavik, see and

Digital Europe-funded cybersecurity projects Eyvör NCC-IS and ICEDEF started

Helmut Neukirchen, 1. December 2023

While we had the the Icelandic National Coordination Centre (NCC-IS) for Cybersecurity established already in 2022, it got now even stronger by benefiting since October 2023 from a two year co-funding via the Digital Europe Programme. We even gave it an Icelandic name: Eyvör – National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre of Iceland. Eyvör NCC-IS will raise awareness and foster education in Iceland in the field of cybersecurity.

For more info, see also my research page on Eyvör NCC-IS.

Another project has started in November 2023 with three year co-funding via the Digital Europe Programme: ICEDEF – Defend Iceland. The ICEDEF project involves the creation of a national vulnerability reporting web portal and associated services for paying bounties to ethical hackers for discovering these vulnerabilities. (Our research shows that vulnerability reporting needs to be improved in Iceland.) The Icelandic Defend Iceland web page gives an idea how that could look like (do not get confused by that fact that on some screenshots depicted on that web page, still the old working title Hack Iceland is used).

Once vulnerabilities are reported there are challenges in effectively integrating (and verifying the effectiveness) of the fixes into the software development life cycle and University of Iceland will take care of this together and educate stakeholders about secure development practices and software vulnerabilities, e.g. via security events such as hackathons and workshops.

For more info, see also my research page on ICEDEF.

Vacancy: We are hiring a postdoc for ICEDEF: please contact me or our new cybersecurity professor Tom Welsh.

First M.Sc. thesis in cybersecurity defended at the Computer Science department of University of Iceland

Helmut Neukirchen, 22. September 2023

To the best of my knowledge, we had just the first M.Sc. thesis in cybersecurity defended at the Computer Science department of the University of Iceland. (There were earlier cybersecurity-related theses, e.g., at the school of Social Sciences.)

The topic was: The state of cybersecurity vulnerability reporting in Iceland.

Read the thesis PDF or watch the defense on YouTube:

Information meeting on the new joint cybersecurity master's programme.

Helmut Neukirchen, 25. August 2023

Friday, 25.8.2023, 15:00, room Ada, in Gróska, 3rd floor is an information meeting on the new joint cybersecurity master's programme.

You can find more info here:

Open position as professor in cybersecurity

Helmut Neukirchen, 21. April 2023

Reykjavik University and University of Iceland have each an open position for a professor in cybersecurity.

The advertisement of the position at University of Iceland can be found at Euraxess, at University of Iceland, and here below:

Assistant Professor in Cyber Security

The department of Computer Science in the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland seeks applicants to fill an assistant professor position in computer science with a specialisation in cybersecurity within the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

Further information

Field of work

The candidate will carry out research in the area of cybersecurity. In addition to research, the successful applicant is expected to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate level, to supervise M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, to attract third-party funding and to participate actively in departmental activities. The University of Iceland is developing a new research and M.Sc. program in cybersecurity receiving national funding. Moreover, the Department of Computer Science is involved in research and education activities in the context of the government-led Icelandic National Coordination Centre for Cybersecurity. The candidate is expected to participate in these activities.

Qualification requirements

  • The position requires a Ph.D. degree in computer science or a closely related field.
  • Record of research according to the applicant's academic age as well as future potential in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Academic teaching experience.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English.

The selection process will take into consideration how well how well the applicant fits the needs and goals of the Department.

Application process

The tentative starting date is September 1st 2023 or according to a further agreement.

When evaluating applications, special attention will be paid to success in research, taking into account how long the person has been working on research. The hiring process will focus on identifying candidates who are best suited to the circumstances and needs of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.

Applicants are required to submit the following documents with their application:

  1. Cover letter stating how the applicant meets the qualification requirements
  2. Certificates of education
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. List of publications
  5. Report on scholarly work and other work they carried out
  6. Outline of proposed research and teaching plan
  7. Contact Information for three referees willing to provide a reference

The applicant must list up to eight of their most important publications, in relation to this position. The applicant must include a copy of these publications along with the application or indicate where they can be accessed electronically. When multiple authors are listed on a publication, the applicant must include an account of their contribution to the publication. Applications and accompanying documents, which are not submitted in electronic form, must be sent in duplicate to the Division of Science and Innovation, University of Iceland, Main Building, Saemundargata 2, 102 Reykjavik, Iceland.

The successful candidate will be hired for five years with the possibility of a permanent contract at the end of this period, cf. paragraph 3, Article 31 of the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009.

Processing of applications, evaluation of applicants' competence and hiring shall be in accordance with the Act on Public Higher Education Institutions no. 85/2008 and the Regulation for the University of Iceland no. 569/2009. The rector may promote an assistant professor to the position of an associate professor or full professor.

All applications will be answered, and applicants will be informed about the appointment when a decision has been made. Applications are stored for six months after the application deadline.

Appointments to positions at the University of Iceland are made in consideration of the Equal Rights Policy of the University of Iceland.

The University of Iceland has a special Language Policy.


Application deadline

Application deadline is 12.05.2023

For further information contact

Helmut Neukirchen

Ingibjörg Óðinsdóttir

Applications are submitted via the Icelandic State Recruitment web portal where you can switch to English language and register a user account:
Apply now


The position is filled: we welcome our new colleague Thomas Welsh.

Note that Reykjavik University has funding for a further position that most likely will be advertised in 2024. Also, we at University of Iceland have an open position as Postdoctoral Researcher in Secure Software Engineering and Vulnerability Reporting Programmes (2 years initially) at University of Iceland.

EDIH-IS European Digital Innovation Hub Iceland opened

Helmut Neukirchen, 21. April 2023

The European Digital Innovation Hub Iceland (EDIH-IS) or in Icelandic: Miðstöð stafrænnar nýsköpunar has been formally opened. As name suggests, it serves as a hub to drive digital innovation, e.g. artificial intelligence, high-performance computing or cybersecurity, and connects industry and academia. University of Iceland is part of EDIH-IS and in particular the computer science department contributes in exactly these fields, i.e. artificial intelligence, high-performance computing or cybersecurity.

In fact, EDIH-IS has been operational already before that formal opening event and Auðna Tæknitorg, the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Iceland is taking care of the day-to-day operations of EDIH-IS. For example, Auðna Tæknitorg/EDIH-IS is a partner in the Icelandic National Coordination Centre (NCC-IS) for Cybersecurity together with University of Iceland and other relevant partners.

Masters programme in Cybersecurity will get funded with 90 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

Helmut Neukirchen, 12. January 2023

The list of proposals that got funded. We are on place 4.

University of Iceland and Reykjavik University applied together for funding in order to start a joint study Masters's programme in Cybersecurity. Today, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation announced (including video recording) that the two universities will together get for the project Nytt meistaranám í netöryggi 90 million ISK funding over 2 years from the university collaboration fund (Samstarf háskóla). This is a great collaboration between the professors of computer science interested in cybersecurity at both universities (facilitated by EDIH-IS, the European Digital Innovation Hub in Iceland, where both universities are as well involved in digital innovation, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) or High-Performance Computing (HPC)).

The new cybersecurity programme funding is announced (ignore the HA and Bifröst -- that's a typo)

While the schedule is tight, the plan is to offer as a start a Cybersecurity specialisation of the Computer Science Master's programme at each university already this autumn, i.e. 2023. Students can then apply at their preferred university, but take as well courses at the other university. (There is another project that got 35 funding to enable technically, i.e. on the IT and learning management system side, but also administratively, i.e. collaboration contracts, taking master's courses at other universities. But I doubt that this is ready when we would need it already in autumn 2023.)

Update from autumn 2023: the Cybersecurity specialisation of the Computer Science Master's programme is available and you can enroll at University of Iceland or enroll at Rekjavik University.

Later, this Computer Science specialisation in Cybersecurity is supposed to become a study programme on its own.

The funding will be used to hire professors, but also to import distance teaching courses from abroad and to purchase equipment needed to set up a cybersecurity lab.

A presentation covers more details: Powerpoint / PDF.