Would Iceland as a member state of the EU be able to influence its decisions? Seminar on Iceland and the European Union organized by the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn). November 19, 2000.

Can Iceland influence deision-making within the EEA? Seminar: How long does the EEA survive?  Organized by the Department of Political Science and the Western European Association in Iceland.  November 30, 2000.

Iceland and the Nordic states: Why does Iceland not apply for membership of the European Union. Conference: The Idea of Europe as viewed from two Peripheries: The Nordic Countries and the Iberian Peninsula at the University of Alcalá in Spain (Alcalá de Henares).  November 23-25, 2000.

Are the small states in the EU proactive or reactive? Conference: Small States and European integration - The Position of Small States in European Integration and Changes in Security and Defence in Europe organized by the University of Iceland, the Western European Association in Iceland, the Delegation of the European Commission to Iceland and Norway and the Icelandic Association of Political Scientists. Reykjavík, May 9, 2000.

The administrative working procedures of smaller states in the decision making process of the EU. Conference Rethinking Europe: UACES 30th Anniversary Conference and Fifth Research Conference organized by UACES (the University Association for Contemporary European Studies) in Budapest, Hungary. April 6-8, 2000.

The relationship between small states and the Commission in the EU. A conference organized by PSA (Political Science Association in the UK) at LSE in London.  The 50th Anniversary Conference, April 10-13, 2000.

Working procedures of small administrations within the decision-making processes of the EU .

A seminar at the Icelandic Embassy in Brussels organized by the Icelandic Association in Brussels. February 25, 2000.