Monthly Archives: April 2014

Are Scandinavians not good Europeans? - Lecture in Paris

I gave a lecture at the Mentalité et culture nordique – Printemps nordique en Sorbonne at Paris Sorbonne University, on the reluctance of the Nordic nations to take full part in the European integration. It's springtime in Paris and the bicycle is … Continue reading

Are Scandinavians Not Good Europeans?

Lecture 2 April 2013: Are Scandinavians Not Good Europeans? The reluctance of the Nordic nations to take full part in the European project. Mentalité et culture nordique - Printemps nordique en Sorbonne, Malesherbes, Université, Paris.

New-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis

I recently took part in the seminar 'Small States in the Age of Global Flow' at the International Studies Association conference in Toronto, Canada. I gave lecture on New-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Democratic Corporatism. The lecture was based … Continue reading

The shelter in Iceland's foreign relations

Discussing my research on the history of Iceland's foreign relations on Icelandic National Radio. The research examines Iceland's foreign relations from the viewpoint of small state theory in political science and asks the question: Did Iceland enjoy economic, political and … Continue reading

East or West?

Discussing Iceland's foreign policy on the Icelandic National Radio. Is Iceland really going to focus its foreign relations on Russia and China at the expense of its relations with Europe? Click image to listen to the show

Can history teach us anything?

A short article that appeared in Fréttablaðið, 27 February, on Iceland's foreign policy and whether we can learn from its history

"Political Crusades"

Newspaper reports on my "political crusades" 🙂 Articles from Vísir and Eyjan on my response and questions to the Prime Ministers in relation to his comments on the academic community, political crusades, and my part in those crusades. and criticism from … Continue reading

Fræðimenn eru ekki helsta vandamál íslensks samfélags – vandamálið er málflutningur forsætisráðherrans

Ég hef ekki viljað blanda mér í umræðu um Evrópuskýrslu kollega minna við Hagfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands.  Ég ætlaði að láta þeim eftir að ræða hana – auk þess sem ég get ekki hugsað mér að taka þátt í þeirri ómálefnalegu … Continue reading

The "political crusades" of the academic community

After the Prime Minister criticized the academic community for its "political crusades" in a TV interview, the parliamentary opposition criticized him for the remarks and also asked him in a parliamentary debate whether the report on Iceland's EU accession talks … Continue reading

Olympic Games not for politicians

A recording from the Icelandic TV-show Sunnudagsmorgunn, where Hildur Sverrisdóttir and I debated the Sochi Olympics and the attendance of Icelandic politicians there. I argued that, in light of the human rights violations taking place in Russia, Icelandic politicians should stay … Continue reading