Monthly Archives: December 2021

Kafaldsmyglingur: Staða smáríkja árið 2022

Það eru viðsjárverðir tímar fyrir smáríki í heiminum í dag. Staða smáríkja og veikra miðlungsstórra ríkja er líklega ótryggari en nokkru sinni frá tímum kalda stríðsins. Þetta á við um landvarnir, öryggismál eins og aðgengi að bóluefni í heimsfaraldri og … Continue reading

Caves of Hella

Are you, a family member, or a friend, traveling to Iceland for the holiday season? Make sure to stop by at the Caves of Hella exhibition for a guided tour. This is a unique experience where people can listen to … Continue reading

Conference on Small States Big Powers

Recalling a seminar organised earlier this winter in Lisbon, Portugal. The purpose of the seminar was to continue the facilitation of a forthcoming co-edition on relations between European small states and other big powers. The seminar was held at the … Continue reading

Small States and big powers: Portugal and Iceland's foreign relations

From a conference held in Lisbon, Portugal - Small States and big powers: Portugal and Iceland's foreign relations. The seminar was part of ongoing work for a co-edition with dr. Alice Cunha, researcher at the Instituto Portuges de Relacoes Internacionais … Continue reading