Can States Choose Their Own Size in the International System? Fyrirlestur haldinn á ráðstefnunni China-Nordic Think Tank Roundtable á vegum China Institute of International Affairs í Peking í Kína, 30. okt. til 2. nóv., 2005.

Áhrif smáríkja á sáttmálagerð Evrópusambandsins Fyrirlestur haldinn á málstofunni Staða smáríkja í Evrópusambandinu á ráðstefnunni Þjóðarspegill 2005:  Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VI, 28. október 2005.

Iceland in global affairs, or what features determine the size of states? Conference: Iceland and Lebanon: Antipodes of the EU organized by the EU Jean Monnet Chair in Law og the Centre for the Study of the European Union (CEUE) at University Saint Joseph in Beirut, Lebanon, 1 October 2005.

Iceland in Global Affairs:  What featurs determine the size of states? Lecture for teachers and students of Sorbonne University, Paris, 25 April, 2006.

Small States and the European Union: Identifying the Issues at Stake with Anders Wivel. Workgroup: Small States in International and European Affairs at NOPSA (Nordic Political Science Association) Convention XIV, Reykjavík 11-13 August 2005. 

Small states: Leverage in Global Affairs. U.S. Nordic-Baltic Chiefs of Mission Conference organized by the U.S. Embassy in Iceland, Reykjavík 25 Apríl 2005.