Are Scandinavians not good Europeans? EU scepticism in the Nordic states. Lecture for teachers and students of Coolege Sorbonne Paris IV - Centre Malesherbes, 02 April 2007.

Aukin þátttaka Ísland í alþjóðasamstarfi: Hvers vegna og til hvers? Conference: Alþjóðasamstarf á 21. öld og Öryggisráð Sameinuðu þjóðanna, University of Iceland 07September 2007.

Why isn’t Iceland a member of the EU? Lecture at an informative meeting for the Undersecretary of Estonia,Reykjavík, 19 January 2007.

Small States and the EU. Lecture at an ionformative meeting for the Undersecretary of Estonia,Reykjavík, 19 January 2007.

Small states in the European Union. Lecture at the Summer Scholl Small States in European integration, University of Iceland, 29 June 2007.

Sögufrægir staðir samkynhneigðra í Reykjavík. Four lectures on the history of gay people in Reykjavik (Iceland). The Association of Gay Students, the National Queer Association, MSC Association, 14 April, 16 June, 9 and 10 August 2007.

What features determine international activites of small states? Conference: Small States Capacity Building, University of Brirmingham, England, 4 April 2007.

Iceland and European integration: The fusion perspective. Conference: The European Union and the Nordic Countries: Fusion and the Future, University of Liverpool, England, 26 April 2007.

The Source of Wealth in Small States. Conference: The Source of Wealth in Small States, Centre for Small State Studies, Reykjavik 14. september 2007.

David gegn Golíat: Hefur dregið úr möguleikum smáríkja til áhrifa innan ESB? Conference in SocialScience: Þjóðarspegillinn 2007, 07 December 2007.