Small States in the International System: How can small states overcome their vulnerability and become proactive? Lecture at the Riga Stradins University in Latvia, 3 December 2014.
Do Small States Need Shelter? The Economic and Political Turmoil in Iceland. Lecture in the workshop Small States in the Modern World: Vulnerability and Opportunities at the conference 'The Democracy Programme at the University of Oslo', Humboldt University, Berlin, 10 November 2014.
Iceland's External Affairs from the Reformation to the end of the Nepoleonic era. Lecture with Tómas Joensen at the Social Science Conference, Þjóðarspegillinn, at the School of Social Science, University of Iceland, 31 October 2014.
The importance of economic, political and societal shelter for small states. Lecture held at the seminar 'New Emerging Small States in Europe? The Case of Catalonia co-sponsored by the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (DIPLOCAT) and the Centre for Small States Studies at the University of Iceland, 20 October 2014.
Small States and Empires: Has Iceland Always Enjoyed Political, Economic and Societal Shelter from Its Larger Neighbors? Lecture held at a Nordic Exploratory Workshop 'Eurasian Empires, Public Space/Sphere, and Collective Identities at the Threshold of Modernity' at University of Jyvaskylda in Finland, 18 October. 2014.
Are Icelanders not Good Europeans? The reluctance of the Icelandic political elite to take full part in the European project. Lecture held at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki, 17 October 2014.
The Scotland as an Independent Small State: Where would it seek shelter? Lecture at the seminar ‘Scotland’s Choice: Independence or Union?’ organized the by Centre for Small States and the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland, 10 September 2014.
‘United in Diversity’ versus European Unity. Lecture on the formation of European identity at a seminar on European War-European Peace organized by the Reykjavik International Film Festival at the University of Iceland, 28 September 2014.
The effectiveness and failure of the small public administration in Iceland relating to the 2008 economic crash. Lecture held at the conference Small States and Governance organized by the Centre for Small State Studies at the University of Iceland, 25 June 2014
Are Icelanders not good Europeans? The reluctance of the Icelandic political elite to take full part in the European project. Lecture at Lund University, 5 May 2014.
Small states in a big Europe: Portugal in comparative perspective - power potential of small states in the European Union. Lecture held at a conference on Portugal's participation in the EU decision making, at Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation in Braga, Portugal 16 May 2014.
Are Scandinavians not good Europeans: The reluctance of the Nordic nations to take full part in European integration. Lecture at the Mentalité et culture nordique – Printemps nordique en Sorbonne, Paris Sorbonne University, 2 April 2014.
Iceland’s External Affairs from the Reformation to the end of the Napoleonic era: Danish political and societal cover concurrent with a highly costly economic safety net. Lecture with Tómas Joensen at the Research Board of the Faculty of Political Science, University of Iceland, 6 March 2014.
New-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Democratic Corporatism. Lecture in the seminar ‘Small States in the Age of Global Flow’ at the International Studies Association conference in Toronto, Canada, 27 March 2014.
How will Scotland do as a small independent state in the Union? Evidence to the European and External Relations Committee of the Scottish Parliament – Discussion on the role of small states in the EU – How will Scotland do as a small independent state in the Union? 6 February 2014.
Alþjóðasamskipti Íslendinga frá 1400 til siðaskipta: Efnahags- og menningarlegt skjól frá Englendingum og Þjóðverjum í pólitísku tómarúmi Danaveldis. Lecture at a seminar ‘Ísland í átökum stórvelda 1400-1600 organized by Miðaldarstofa og Rannsóknasetri um smáríki, Alþjóðamálastofnun, Háskóla Íslands, 25 February 2014.