The last ten days have been tumultuous, as the release of the Panama Papers led to the resignation of the Icelandic Prime Minister, changes in the Icelandic government, calls for further changes, and protests and uncertainty. Discussion of the events during several extensive news broadcasts on Channel 2 (Stöð 2) during the tumultuous days that followed the release of the Panama Papers:
- 6.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Kvöldfréttir - þriðji hluti
- 6.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Kvöldfréttir - annar hluti
- 6.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Kvöldfréttir - fyrsti hluti
- 6.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Fréttir
- 6.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Hádegisfréttir
- 5.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Kvöldfréttir
- 5.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Aukafréttatími kl. 15 - fyrri hluti
- 5.4.2016, Stöð 2 - Aukafréttatími kl. 15 - seinni hluti
Also, an interview with the magazine The Market (Markaðurinn) about my background and research interests:
- 13.4.2016, (Markaðurinn) – Var í Bretlandi á róstusömum tíma