Teaching in Nuuk: Small vs. Large States in the EU

Here is a simple illustration of the difference between small and large states is the EU 馃檪

stor-sma riki

Teaching in Nuuk: Small vs. Large States in the EU-->

Teaching in Nuuk

Students at the University of Greenland discuss the capabilities of Greenland to survive in the international system, without having assistance from Denmark. Where would it seek shelter?

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Teaching in Nuuk-->

Interview with the Icelandic newspaper DV

Here is a short interview I gave to the Icelandic newspaper DV on the prospect of having two parties opposed to the EU accession process in the forthcoming government, and what effects that may have on the accession talks.

Interview with the Icelandic newspaper DV -->

Teaching in Nuuk

I just arrived in Nuuk where I will teach university students in Greenland about small states and their place in international relations. This is a beautiful place and I've been here for a few days and have experienced the best and the worst in weather conditions. I only regret having forgotten to pack my snowsuit 馃檪

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Teaching in Nuuk-->

Sociology conference at Bifr枚st University

Me and my research assistant, 脼orsteinn Kristinsson, went to the Sociology conference at Bifr枚st University to present our upcoming paper on 'Iceland's External Affairs from 1400 to the Reformation: Anglo-German Economic and Societal Shelter in a Danish Political Vacuum'. This paper follows my previous study on 'Iceland's external affairs in the Middle Ages: The shelter of Norwegian sea power'.

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Sociology conference at Bifr枚st University-->

Scotland as an Independent Small State: Where would it seek shelter?

I just got back from an exciting trip to St. Andrews in Scotland, where Alyson Bailes and I held a lecture on the possibilities facing Scotland should it decide to become an independent state in the upcoming 2014 referendum (more on that in an upcoming paper). After a long day we all sat down for some delicious Haggis, with a Thai twist 馃檪

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Scotland as an Independent Small State: Where would it seek shelter? -->

Iceland and the EU: Speech given at the Association of Craft and Technology Industries

Here is a copy of a speech I gave at the Association of Craft and Technology Industries on why some Icelanders want to join the EU and why the present outgoing government is engaged in the accession process.

Iceland and the EU: Speech given at the Association of Craft and Technology Industries-->

Picture puzzle from Icelandic politics

Here is the newest picture puzzle! Comedian J贸hannes Kristj谩nsson mimics Icelandic politicians. Which ones?

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Picture puzzle from Icelandic politics-->

Election campaign analysed

Students of political science at University of Iceland from 1988-1991 met on Friday to study and analyse the Icelandic election campaign. Extensive analysis and laughter 馃檪

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Election campaign analysed-->

A graphic explanation of European Union

Everything you have ever wanted to know about the European Union can be found in this picture 馃檪


A graphic explanation of European Union-->