Speeches on Democratic Corporatism from Vilnius University

Speeches, from Vilnius University in April 2013, on how Iceland and the Baltic states coped with the economic recession and how they should prepare themselves for the next crisis.

'How do small states cope with recessions: The cases of Estonia and Iceland compared with seven corporatist small states' by Baldur Thorhallsson.

'Recovering from the Crisis: Inside or outside the EMU' by Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, former minister of Foreign Affairs and Finance and leader of the Social Democratic Party.

Speeches on Democratic Corporatism from Vilnius University-->

Picture puzzle from Vilnius

I made yet another picture puzzle! This time you have to find out what these 11 pictures from Lithuania show and how it relates to political history.

Vilnius1 Vilnius11 Vilnius7Vilnius9 Vilnius5 Vilnius3 Vilnius4 Vilnius2 Vilnius10Vilnius8 Vilnius6

You can click on each picture to see it enlarged.

Picture puzzle from Vilnius-->

Thatcher and Thatcherism success and failure – Viðsjá

Here I discuss the legacy of Margaret Thatcher on the Icelandic National Radio.


Thatcher and Thatcherism success and failure – Viðsjá-->

Advocating the Nordic model in Vilnius

Here I am advocating the Nordic model at a conference in Vilnius. There were great discussions and, interestingly, right wing politicians at the conference hoped for Lithuania to adopt a consensual political system before the next crisis.

Vilnius Vilnius2Vilnius3 Vilnius1

More pictures at the university's website.

Advocating the Nordic model in Vilnius-->

Political enthusiasts of the 1980s: Does the Iron Lady still shape our lives?

Thatcher ól okkur upp:  Reflections on the Thatcher years

Political enthusiasts of the 1980s: Does the Iron Lady still shape our lives?-->

Teaching on Small States at the University of Vilnius

I am teaching a course on small states at the University of Vilnius with Jón Balvin Hannibalsson. It is extremely interesting to see the different views students have on international relations in other parts of Europe.

baldur litháen 4 baldur litháen 1baldur litháen 3 baldur litháen 2

Teaching on Small States at the University of Vilnius-->

Picture puzzle from Berlin

I took a few pictures while I was in Berlin and made a political puzzle: What do the pictures show and how does it relate to political history?

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6

Picture puzzle from Berlin -->

Berlin as the centre of European political developments

Here is a short iphone video I made during my visit to Berlin. It is extremely interesting to experience Berlin's culture and history, especially when one thinks about the political developments of Europe in the 20th century.

Berlin as the centre of European political developments-->

Open access to a new paper of mine for this month

There is open access to a new paper of mine in the Journal of European Political Science for this month. The paper is called 'The Icelandic economic collapse: how to overcome constraints associated with smallness?'

Open access to a new paper of mine for this month-->

What have the anti gay protests in Paris to do with the French Revolution?

Here is a short iphone video I made with speculations on the recent anti gay protests in Paris and their misreading of the message of the French Revolution.

What have the anti gay protests in Paris to do with the French Revolution?-->