Teaching on Icelandic politics at Sorbonne and enjoying beautiful Paris

Beautiful day in Paris. It started with lectures and seminar on Icelandic politics at Sorbonne, then we went for late lunch with Sigríður Albertsdóttir, the Icelandic lecturer at Sorbonne, in La Marais and ended by dining with Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson discussing Icelandic affairs in Montmartre.

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Teaching on Icelandic politics at Sorbonne and enjoying beautiful Paris-->

Teaching at Sorbonne University

Sorbonne small statesI´m off to France to teach students at Sorbonne University on the fascinating subject of Small State Studies.

Teaching at Sorbonne University-->

Teaching with Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson at the University of Vilnius

Teaching preperation can be 'damn tough' according to my colleague Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson, the honorary citizen of Vilnius and former foreign and financial minister. We will be teaching on small states at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at the University of Vilnius in April. Jón Baldvin is already making the headlines 🙂

Teaching with Jón Baldvin Hannibalsson at the University of Vilnius-->

Grants to write graduate theses on Nordic cooperation

A great opportunity for students interested in Nordic cooperation.

Stiftelsen Barbro och Sune Örtendahls fond offers four research grants, two in Iceland and two in Sweden, to post-graduate students to study the relations between Sweden and Iceland, and Nordic cooperation in general.

The aim of the grants is to enhance knowledge about the relationship between Sweden and Iceland, the relations between the Swedish Cooperative Movement and the Iceland Cooperative Movement, and the importance of Nordic cooperation for each country more generally.

More information on the grants can be found here: Grants from STIFTELSEN BARBRO OCH SUNE ÖRTENDAHLS FOND

Grants to write graduate theses on Nordic cooperation-->

At the office

Baldur skr

At my office with Tómas Joensen, my research assistant

At the office-->

Iceland and the Norwegian sea power

Here is a short interview with me in the University Magazine (page 19) on my recent paper on the shelter given to Iceland by the Norwegian sea power in the Middle Ages. The paper was published in Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla and is available here.

Iceland and the Norwegian sea power-->

Why is there so much opposition to EU membership in Iceland?

A new paper 'Iceland's contested European Policy: The Footprint of the Past - A Small and Insular Society' just published in Jean Monnet Occasional Paper Series by the Institute for European Studies at the University of Malta.

Why is there so much opposition to EU membership in Iceland? -->

Introducing the 2013-2014 Programme at the University


with Stefanía Óskarsdóttir and Elva Ellertsdóttir

Introducing the 2013-2014 Programme at the University-->

Discussing news of the week

See the Icelandic National Radio

Discussing news of the week-->

Travel Journal from Venezuela in Víðsjá

See Icelandic National Radio

Travel Journal from Venezuela in Víðsjá-->