Small States and International Security

9780415629980This new book on Small States and international security was published by Routledge in February/March. The concept of the book is based on the curriculum of the summerschool that the Centre for Small State Studies has hosted for the last three years.

The topic is to explain what ‘small’ states are and explore their current security challenges, in general terms and through specific examples. Alyson Bailes, Jean-Marc Rickli and I have written a chapter in it called 'Small states, survival and strategy'.

Viðtal í Bixinu á Útvarpi Sögu

Ræddi um Evrópumál í Bixinu hjá Höskuldi Höskuldssyni á Útvarpi Sögu.  Í þessum frábæra þætti hjá Höskuldi gefst tími að ræða mál ofan í kjölinn. Hægt er að hlusta á þáttinn hér. Þátturinn var á dagskrá 21. maí.12602_290

'Nunca haverá igualdade entre os estados na UE'

Interview with me in the Portugese newspaper Journal i 'There will never be equality among states in the EU' during a conference on Portugal's power potential in the European Union. The journalist was also very interested the Icelandic economic collapse.

Portugal interview

Click image to read the interview



Portugal participation in the EU decision making

portugalA conference at Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, Braga, Portugal, 16 May 2014.

An interesting conference held in Braga where the most recent research on Portugal's participation in the EU was presented. I took part in a panel called 'Small states in a big Europe: Portugal in comparative perspective - power potential of small states in the European Union'.

Are Icelanders not good Europeans?

I gave a lecture at Lund University on 5 May called: "Are Icelanders not good Europeans - The reluctance of the Icelandic political elite to take full part in the European project". Four of my former students attended the lecture; three of which are now students at Lund University and one who is now a lector at Malmö University.

lund3 lund2 lund1Gunnhildur Lily Magnúsdóttir, Lector at Malmö University; Þorsteinn Kristinsson, MA student in Asian Studies at Lund; Hartmann Elíasson, MA student in European Studies at Lund; Helena Gonz, Ph.D. student in Political Science at Lund; Annica Kronsell, Professor in Political Science at Lund.


Are Scandinavians not good Europeans? - Lecture in Paris

I gave a lecture at the Mentalité et culture nordique – Printemps nordique en Sorbonne at Paris Sorbonne University, on the reluctance of the Nordic nations to take full part in the European integration.

It's springtime in Paris and the bicycle is by far the best mode of transport in this beautiful weather 🙂

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Are Scandinavians Not Good Europeans?

Lecture 2 April 2013: Are Scandinavians Not Good Europeans? The reluctance of the Nordic nations to take full part in the European project.

Mentalité et culture nordique - Printemps nordique en Sorbonne, Malesherbes, Université, Paris.

New-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis

I recently took part in the seminar 'Small States in the Age of Global Flow' at the International Studies Association conference in Toronto, Canada. I gave lecture on New-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Democratic CorporatismThe lecture was based on the paper that Rainer Kattel and I published in Journal of Baltic Studies in 2013: Neo-Liberal Small States and Economic Crisis: Lessons for Democratic Corporatism.

The shelter in Iceland's foreign relations

Discussing my research on the history of Iceland's foreign relations on Icelandic National Radio. The research examines Iceland's foreign relations from the viewpoint of small state theory in political science and asks the question: Did Iceland enjoy economic, political and societal shelter through its foreign relations? Two papers have already been published:

Iceland’s external affairs in the Middle Ages: The shelter of Norwegian sea power

Iceland’s External Affairs from 1400 to the Reformation: Anglo-German Economic and Societal Shelter in a Danish Political Vacuum, with Þorsteinn Kristinsson

and the next one, on Iceland's relations with Denmark, is forthcoming.

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Click image to listen to the show

East or West?

Discussing Iceland's foreign policy on the Icelandic National Radio. Is Iceland really going to focus its foreign relations on Russia and China at the expense of its relations with Europe?

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Click image to listen to the show