Þerraðu aldrei tár án hanska

jonas gardell

Vá hvað sænska fyrirmyndaríkið fær á baukinn í þessum bókum! Þær eru magnaðar og minna nokkuð á bókina Hreinsun eftir Sofi Oksanen. Þó þær fjalli um allt annað viðfangsefni á allt öðrum tíma - get ekki beðið eftir þáttaröðinni sem sýnd verður á RÚV -https://www.facebook.com/PerraduAldreiTarAnHanska

gardell 2

Small states are taking over the Superpower!

Small states are taking over the Superpower! Smart students in my last class on Small States in the International System at Williams. Presentations on Israel and Ghana - brilliant students lectures all semester. Great discussions on vulnerability and power potential of small states in the UN and the EU. Keep up the good work ... on small states.

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Thanks for a great semester

Brilliant Students in my EU course at Williams. In the last class, they came up with great answers while discussing how the EU will evolve in the next 50 years. Thanks for a great semester.


The Scandinavian Way to Europe

In 2002, the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study (SASS) published a special issue of its journal, Scandinavian Studies, titled: The Scandinavian Way to Europe.

This best selling volume has now been republished as a book, edited by Christine Ingebritsen.

the scandinavian way

The book documents how and why the five northern European states pursue alternative paths in the European integration process.

My contribution to the original journal issue was an article on “The Skeptical Political Elite Versus the Pro-European Public: The Case of Iceland“.


Thanksgiven in Williamstown

Pictures from the international thanksgiving meal in Williamstown 🙂

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The European Union: The Past, Present, and Future

Students from the class 'The European Union: The past, Present, and Future' at Williams working on policy making in the European Union. I am really impressed by their engagement in European studies. They are very interested in European nations and European integration. They recognize the importance of the European project for the future of Europe.

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Fun and games at Williams

Students at Williams College discuss whether leading economic sectors construct the Nordic states approaches to European integration and enjoy Icelandic seaweed and caramels - before going out to support their team in the game against Amherst 🙂

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Lecture on the little frogs at Williams College

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Discussion on how little Frogs turn into Princes at Williams 🙂 Where do the Nordic and the Baltic states seek economic, political and societal shelter? Where would Scotland, Catalonia and Quebec, as new small independent states, seek shelter? Would they turn into Princes?

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Lecture on the little frogs at Williams College-->

How do Little Frogs Fly? Small States in the International System

europeMore on the Little Frog which is trying to fly - tomorrow, Tuesday, October 8 at 2:45pm to 3:45pm at Williams, Griffin Hall, Room 3 

International Studies Colloquium with Baldur Thorhallsson, Class of 1955 Visiting Professor of International Studies. Thorhallsson is Professor of Political Science and Jean Monnet Chair in European Studies at the University of Iceland. His research focus is primarily on small state studies, European integration and Iceland’s domestic and foreign policy.

How do Little Frogs Fly? Small States in the International System-->

Little frogs do fly!

Lecture on how little frogs (Small States) can fly at the Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce and the Consulate General of Iceland in New York / 28 degrees in NY  ... a good level of dampness for the little frog 🙂

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Little frogs do fly!-->